New look for Comet

A new look for a new era.

九月 01, 2020

Comet is on its way to a new future.

Comet is on its way to a new future. Over the past few years, we have evolved from a component and system manufacturer to a solution provider for the digital world. We have sharpened our focus and realigned ourselves to become stronger, faster and more efficient.

It is our goal to make this approach visible in our appearance. Soon, Comet business documents and products will receive a new look and you will find our bold and colorful logo on all our assets. Our brand identity shall reflect who we are: powerful, courageous and full of passion, providing you with the most precise tools to master your plasma processes.

Besides a new look, our new corporate identity brings other changes. Here's what's new:

Our email addresses:, globally harmonized for all entities. To facilitate collaboration, the existing e-mail addresses will still be valid.

We hope that you like our new look as much as we do and can feel how it inspires the Comet team on our journey to empower new technologies.




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