Improve process repeatability, yield and throughput

Our RF design engineers create a full range of industry leading matching network solutions that meet or exceed your specifications and time to market.

Comet RF Impedance Matching Networks regularly outperform those of our competitors. Our sensors and controls combine to make some of the fastest tuning matching networks in the industry.

Unlike other matching network suppliers, Comet has a full line of variable vacuum capacitors and the experts to design these key elements. With close collaboration between the two teams, Comet is in the unique position to create products that no other competitor can offer.


Matching Networks

Built for speed, accuracy, precision and repeatability.

The Synertia® RFM works in powerful synergy with the Synertia® RFG. Precise sensors and an enhanced tuning algorithm in the matching network ensure consistent and stable plasma processes.

Comet match product lines

Specifically designed for three types of customers and their individual requirements.

Build to Specification

Highest performance

Designed for the most demanding semiconductor and critical thin film applications.

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Build to

Your design, our quality

Outsource your match design to the experts.

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Standard Matches

Flexible and affordable

Affordable yet retains Comet quality.

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A compact summary of Comet's RF expertise and the product range can also be found in our catalogue. Have a look online or order your print version.

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RF Cable Sets

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